About Us
The Department of Science Education was established in the 2013-2014 academic year and started to accept students in the same year. The main aim of the program is to provide the prospective teachers who will graduate from this department with the special and general field competencies that determined by the Ministry of National Education for the teachers,ın addition; have adopted collaborative working principles and have been capable of problem-solving; have esteemed human rights. It is aimed that the graduates will be creative and have critical thinking, self-esteem, sensitive for social and environmental problems, and conduct their profession within the framework of ethical rules. In the undergraduate program of the Department of Science Education; in addition to field courses, field education and pedagogical knowledge courses, there are general culture, pedagogical knowledge and field education elective courses. With the undergraduate courses, the skills of presenting information with innovative methods and techniques are instilled in the pre-service teachers, and a special emphasis is placed on practice in the courses.