Roles, responsibilities and authority


Higher Education is regulated by the Articles 130 and 131 of the Turkish Constitution and the Higher Education Law No. 2547. In accordance with Article 16 of this law (2547), the Department is defined as an academic unit where education and practice activities are carried out, comprising at least one branch of science and forming a department. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet ÖNAL  (Head of Department), Prof. Dr. Nazlı BAYKAL, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kağan BÜYÜKKARCI, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nihan ERDEMİR, Dr. Rümeysa PEKTAŞ , Dr. Derya COŞKUN, Res. Asst. İdiL SAYIN. The Executive Board of Higher Education decides the establishment, directly or according to the suggestions from the universities. The head of the department, the professors of that department, if not available, associate professors, if not available, assistant professors, if there is no assistant professor, are selected from among the lecturers and lecturers working in that department, and appointed by the dean within a week. If the number of faculty members or lecturers who can be appointed as the head of the department is at most two, the head is directly appointed by the director of the college, the director of the conservatory or the dean. Appointments are reported to the rectorate. The department consists of the heads of science branches. In cases where the department covers only one branch of science, the board of the department consists of all faculty members and lecturers. The board of the department gives its opinion to the head of the department on the planning and implementation of the programs of the relevant department. Civil Servants Law No. 657, Higher Education Law No. 2547, Higher Education Personnel Law No. 2914, Public Procurement Law No. 4734, Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018 and the regulations, communiqués, decisions and applicable legislation based on these laws, Süleyman Demirel University Education and Examination Regulations, Higher Education Institutions Student Disciplinary Regulations are the legislation and obligations that regulate the field of activity of the unit.