About Us
Department of Foreign Language Education within the Faculty of Education of Süleyman Demirel University was established in 2009. The Department of Foreign Language Education started to accept students for the first time in the 2010-2011 academic year under the Department of English Language Education. The main field of activity of the Department; In addition to providing education at the undergraduate level, graduate education started in the 2011-2012 academic year. The main purpose of the English Language Teaching undergraduate program is to develop communicative skills and competencies in English, equipped with the latest knowledge and skills required by the profession, aim to do research, accept lifelong learning as a philosophy of life, linguistics, second language acquisition, foreign language teaching to children, foreign language teaching, foreign language teaching, By assimilating theoretical knowledge such as language test development techniques and foreign language teaching methods, taking into account the environmental / cultural diversity that She will encounter in the classroom environment, She can transform the theoretical knowledge and skills he has internalized into practice, predict the future and prepare himself for the future both personally and professionally, is to train teachers who benefit from the opportunities for self-development in technological, cultural and professional issues in their field of interest, who are aware that they are not only a duty but also an example for the society and future generations. Our vision is to train teachers who always look forward, who can foresee the future today, who are aware that they set an example for the society and future generations beyond just fulfilling a task in their professional life. Our graduates of English Language Teaching undergraduate program receive the title of "English Teacher" and are mainly employed as English Teachers in primary and secondary education institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education or private. In addition, graduates can find the opportunity to work in different sectors where they can use the language skills they have acquired during their education period in line with their own preferences.